Saturday, December 17, 2011

Menopause For Reflection...

There should be some rite of passage for women who finally make it through menopause. It is a magnificent time, well worth marking and I have absolutely no idea why traditional society, at best, ignores it. If anything, most women, at least those held up in medical journals and magazine articles about the subject, are depicted as rather forlorn, sickly creatures who need to take hormone replacement or watch their diets. Most are seen as being over the hill and out to pasture. How sad that is.
Sad because, nothing could be further from the truth. And I will explain why.
First there was the actual physical suffering of menses for me when I was fifteen and realized, short of the need for a radical hysterectomy, I would have to go through this agony every month for the next 35 years plus! I can still remember my mother applying a hot water bottle on one side and a warmed iron wrapped in a threadbare towel on the other, in hopes the heat would somehow diminish the cramps which ravaged my body between my knees and my shoulders - I kid you not; it was that bad. When Mom told me to try to walk up and down the stairs, saying that exercise might lessen the cramps, I distinctly remember thinking. "Sure I will walk once this monster inside me stops trying to digest my organs..." or something to that effect. It hurt like heck and then some. What's more, that was before the invention of Tylenol, so I had no medical solution until much later.
Then there were the emotional mood swings. Need I go into details? Sometimes I even locked myself in the bathroom, in hopes that my need to yell at someone for extended periods of time would pass. I was Dr. Jekyll and Miss Hyde all over. Hated it.
Furthermore, there is the expense of supplies. It adds up and I always seem to run out of something at the most inopportune moments. And, when I was really young, there was this question of embarrassment. I can't tell you how many teen girls risked the wrath of even the strictest teachers to lean over and ask me, in a whisper, if they walked up to the pencil sharpener at the front of the classroom, could I please tell them if their feminine protection was leaving a "dent" in their jeans. Now, c'mon. You've done it too. You know you have.
And that was well before peri-menopause started. That time in a woman's life where she experienced all kinds of unusual, freaky symptoms like night sweats, cravings, severe insomnia, hot flashes and even more severe mood swings than previously - I mean, could they possibly get worse? And, for most, that time can start anywhere after the age of 30. In the midst of raising young children, for most, and even just starting a family for others. Is it any wonder most of us have "mother" issues?
I digress.
I haven't even gotten into the years of actual child bearing and what all that means to most of us. What we tolerate in the interests of propagating the species is downright cruel and unusual punishment and to top it off, most of us are told by well meaning parents, usually other women, we need to learn to suck it up and put up with a whole lot of crap, essentially, because, as women, we are born to suffering and we had better get used to it. The bottom line is there seems to be some kind of "paying our dues" conspiracy among women who share genetic material and that remains fodder for another article at another time.
Suffice to say, once we are closing in on our late 40s, most of we women are downright tired of and thoroughly peed off at this little "visitor" who has made our lives miserable for the past several decades and we happily anticipate a time when we can ignore that aisle in the grocery store where men fear to tread.
And then it happens. With very little notice, or sometimes not, it just disappears, as if it never even occurred and we are left wondering what all the fuss was about. Just like that. Gone.
Honestly? After having watched other women go through it all over the years, I don't know why there is not some kind of menopausal club or something. Really. Cause there should be; by George, we've earned it!
And then I remember.
I remember things like my mother's 45s club, which met every Tuesday. I remember all those ladies, well past the point of no return, who showed up whenever Mom would have her week of hosting and I get it. They all wore unforced smiles and I think nary a one was self-conscious about her standing or appearance. They'd scratch when and where they pleased, even belch on occasion and told the funniest, crass jokes a lady could get away with. The laughter ensued was honest, loud and confident too. I decided, even back then, I liked this age. There was just something special about these ladies.
They had arrived.
So now, I too, have arrived. I care very little if I offend, yet, share my two cents as tactfully as possible, when asked, just out of habit. Some kind of magic has left me totally indifferent to the opinions and void of needing the approval of others and that just feels really good. To top it off, I have concluded if my husband is still with me at this age, it isn't because I am drop dead gorgeous, so I have nothing to fear. I realize if he can have a pot belly, so can I.
Bottom line? I feel better, physically, mentally and emotionally than I have ever felt at any stage of my life and that discovery is blowing me away.
In summation, the way I look at it, perhaps that fanfare I referred to earlier is really all about a secret society that needs no public acclamation or corporeal recognition. Maybe just having survived what came before ushers all women into this unique place of contentment and wonder, to which they silently welcome new sisters as they walk over that final barrier called menopause. Where celebration happens daily in the lives of each woman who arrives and the giving of trophies and accolades involves skilled perception, honed over time and with each act of learning and sacrifice.
Either way, I can say with aplomb, it's a wonderful place to be.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Money Makes the World Go Round or Is This Why I'm So Dizzy?

When it comes to the world of business and high finance, I am a first class schmuck. I admit it and could never even begin to hide it.Yet, this out-of-the-closet, financial ignoramus seems to be making an observation about things lately; things that usually mainly concern the economists, politicians and bankers of our world.
I actually subscribe to a rather mainstream, conservative, small player financial site on FACEBOOK which discusses the day to day challenges of investing - very much used by the little guy - hence my interest. I guess that part of me that still maintains, someday my ship will come in, wants to know what to do with the excess when it does, so I have been loosely keeping my ear to the ground so I won't miss any distant, important rumblings.
Here is what I have observed. And for those of you who know this stuff inside and out, up and down, I apologize and beg your indulgence while I set the stage, cause I really do have a point to make here.
See, what I have noticed is that since I was a young woman, some thirty years ago or so, interest rates have slowly gone down and therefore, so have mortgage rates. I remember mortgage rates being as high as 17 per cent. Working class people in my home city were organizing meetings to see what they could do about it. It was the late 70s and early 80s and North Americans, indeed, most of the world, were experiencing ballooning inflation for the first time since the Great Depression. Times were desperate. Even buying a five pound package of sugar took some forethought.
So, rates are now as low as a bit over two per cent for floating mortgages - those which are dependent on base rates set by the banks of our nations - and that makes our economy look REALLY good. If we were aliens who had just landed, we would assume, upon our discovery of how inexpensive it is to borrow money to purchase or build a home right now, that the prices of all commodities are equally deflated. But that is just not the case. Indeed, from what I can observe, prices for just about everything else are so high our world has just survived a rather major, frightening global recession of sorts. Only the presence of long term credit has kept a good deal of us from losing our cars, homes and perhaps our lives, for those who are sadly worse off. Not a pleasant picture.
And that's a darned shame. Not that effort hasn't been made to rectify it.
In the U.S. in particular, the federal government designed guaranteed mortgages for people who had never owned a home before because of financial limitations. But we all know where that has taken them. Properties in Florida, in particular, are selling at all time lows as banks, now stuck with defaulted mortgaged homes that those same self buyers who took advantage of that special program, have vacated, mostly because, frankly, they were oversold. What a joke.
Elsewhere, the housing market has boomed over the last ten years or so, in response to low mortgage rates. Housing has inflated, somewhat artificially, in larger cities, almost double. I mean, WOW! When everyone started to purchase again and housing starts went up dramatically, housing prices and building supplies skyrocketed. Supply and demand, plain and simple. Governments' attempts to artificially lower interest rates and thereby mortgage rates, in order to stimulate buying, in the long run, backfired. I imagine being a homeowner in one of these cities is not unlike being on a rather desperate treadmill, that keeps getting faster and faster.
What I don't understand is why nobody had the foresight to see this coming. I mean, I'm no genius when it comes to this subject - I think we've established that much already - and I didn't miss it at all.
This is how it really went down:
People can't afford stuff so government cuts rates of borrowing money so they can - Once they can, they do and, everyone who has been hurt by the previous lull, jumps in with both barrels, takes advantage of the lower rates by raising prices of whatever the market demands and, voila, we have inflation, all over again.
I guess this is what Jesus meant when He said the poor will always be with us...
Smart man. But then, Judas was his treasurer and he dipped into the communal purse all the time when nobody was looking.

Thank You Mr. Grinch!!

This morning I was furiously wrapping Christmas gifts for our children, while watching yet another one of those predictable Christmas specials - a movie about a woman who ponders whether she married the right man as she faces another financially tight holiday season. The movie carries us through some twists and turns - nothing challenging to the mind - and finally arrives with the protagonist having learned that, indeed, materialism is not what it is cracked up to be.
Years ago, I used to grind my teeth while watching those shows. Mostly because I thought, surely, they must have been part of some imperialist scheme to keep the poor content in their poverty. See, I grew up poorer than dirt and often suffered from the "if onlies"; if only we could afford that vacation or if only we could purchase that new television or car or whatever other significant "need" may have arisen in my child's mind in those years.
I was singlehandedly the most disappointed and frustrated young lady I knew. And that attitude carried over into my social life as well. I believed if I had only had at least a middle class income behind me, I would have been loved by all, befriended by many and left alone by class and neighbourhood bullies. I am not certain that I was aware, during those years, that I actually thought it through rationally, but, as the years have passed, I have come to realize and accept that this was most probably where my head and heart were.
And, sadly, as I watched that movie and wrapped those gifts this morning, I realized I have never exorcised the demons that accompanied that mentality.
See, it struck me that all of this gift giving; my being able to give my children what I could not have as a child, was actually being done for my benefit! For that little girl inside me who bought all those aforementioned lies for most of her childhood and even into adulthood, as it turns out. Hard to admit. Harder to renounce.
What I do remember is this:
In 1985 I gave my life and heart to Jesus Christ. It was like falling in love. And I knew my lover would never leave me. This is often the way it is with new Christians. But, dear reader, pay heed, because this is very important. My first Christmas with Jesus was horrible. Yup, you read it right the first time. But not because something horrible happened. It was quite the opposite actually. It was a lovely holiday, in which I met my future husband's family and even got to spend some time with my own family.
Rather, it was an issue of relativity.
You see, compared to what Christmas had meant to me in the previous 24 years, the day to day presence of Jesus in my heart, acting on my behalf, was astounding! Earth shattering! Profoundly joy filled! I could literally go on and on, expounding on the intense positive influence He had had in my life over a very short period of time.
I think that was when I had my first real run in with the reality of the futility of materialism. However, it never really took form in my mind. Again, there was only this fleeting sense of things, nothing really concrete developed in my mind. And so, I was too young to understand it's implications and how to apply it to my life.
Now I have lived a rush of things since that time and place and here I am, still buying into the lie that the more I have or the more my children have, it is going to give us/them more peace, joy and satisfaction. It suddenly and sickeningly struck me I had tasted the best and gone back to the trash. Ouch.
That was followed by a deep conviction that I need to start praying, asking God to show me how to teach this most weighty lesson to my children in the midst of giving them all this "stuff". And I wondered if it were too late.
And then I remembered. Not only has He promised to be with us forever, even until the end of all things seen, but He has promised us guidance, protection and His peace and joy when we obey. Most importantly, He has promised us that, with Him, all things are possible.
All things.
Even eliminating the wounds imposed by a sadly mistaken and slow to learn parent like myself. And I am pretty sure He won't insist I throw out the Christmas tree and give all the children's gifts to charity to get it done, either. Not even close. Because, really? These kids are His and He is still in charge, on the throne and more than capable of cleaning up the messes I make without my assistance. And sometimes with it. Either way, He's the boss and He will do the best, because He won't go against His own Word.
Now that's what Christmas is really all about, wouldn't you say?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Tree Tale

Christmas around our house has always been anything but predictable, generic or conventional.  If anything, it has been zany, bizarre and downright unusual. Not that we tried to make it that way, it just came OUT that way. In particular, most of that strangeness has centred on Christmas trees.
Let me fill you in.
The first year my husband and I were married, we rented this beautiful big house on the south shore of Nova Scotia which was surrounded by 18 acres of grassy field. The field was surrounded by several rows of various sized coniferous trees; there were pines, firs and good old spruce trees. To top it off, our kind landlord told us that, come Christmas, we were welcome to cut down and use any one of those. I was ecstatic and eagerly looked forward to December, at which time I began to stalk the perimeters of the property, looking for the perfect Christmas tree.
Before I knew it, the weekend before Christmas arrived and I still had not found that tree. So I asked my husband to go out and find one. That is when my world was rocked. That was when this strange trend started.
"Oh," he said, thoughtfully chewing his last mouthful of eggs and bacon as he looked out the window. "I don't think we should celebrate Christmas."
A bomb going off couldn't have created a bigger shock wave. I almost choked on the orange juice I had just swallowed.
"What?" I asked, hoping against hope I had heard incorrectly.
"Christmas is a pagan holiday and I decided we shouldn't celebrate it." Now he was looking at me, which, I decided, took some courage, considering what he had just said.
Needless to say, the conversation got very animated suddenly and the end result was he did go out, axe in hand, to get that coveted tree for our home.
It took him a while too, which I thought was rather strange. Surely it couldn't take that long to find a simple evergreen, cut it and haul it back, considering most of the good trees were within two or three hundred feet of the house. I mean, come ON.
Some two hours later, I heard a tapping on the windowpane. I looked out to see hubby, surrounded by great green boughs from the tree he had cut and hauled back. It was gargantuan; colossal - People, it was BIG!
I heard this grunting and scraping and then he came in and mumbled something about it probably being too big to get in the house and, if so, we could always put it outside.
The game was on, I could see, and I had no intention of losing. His strategy was clear. If he spent all that time finding a tree, THE tree, that was supposed to go in our house, if it was too big, SURELY I would relent and let him off the hook and he would have his way.
Nu uh. Not if I had anything to do with it.
So I told him if it were too big, he would just have to trim it back. Then I realized it would fit beautifully under the cathedral ceiling in the great room.
So he reluctantly started in.
Finally, after tugging, pushing and sawing off about two feet from the bottom, it was in the house and in place, supported by a complicated system of wires and hooks.
I stood in front of it and smiled smugly. I told him all we needed to do now was to decorate it. The room was silent and then he spoke.
"You can do that yourself. That's woman's work."
Just as I was going to argue about how sexist his last remark was, I bit my tongue, realizing I would get to call the shots on this project, so he had really done me a favour, begging off that part of Christmas. I hated getting into squabbles about where to put lights and baubles so actually preferred to work alone on things like this.
So I dug out our Christmas decorations and he slunk off upstairs to watch television.
I am not sure when it hit me that I should have given in to his suggestion we keep it outside. Could be it was when I ran out of red, blue and green decorations, or maybe it was when the last string of lights came out of the box and I had only managed to cover about half the tree, thus far.
Crap, I thought and wondered if there was a painless way to eat crow.
Then there was the time, once hubby decided maybe Christmas wasn't so bad after all, and we had moved back into Halifax, we hadn't yet bought our tree and it was, once again, about a week before Christmas. Just a few weeks earlier, a wonderful elderly gentleman, out of his abject poverty, had given us a belated wedding gift; an envelope containing a meager ten dollar bill folded into a beautifully illustrated copy of a marriage blessing. We knew this man was hurting financially and probably could not even afford that, so we had agreed it was a real gift of love. I had tucked that ten dollar bill into some dark corner of my wallet and prayed that the Lord would bless it.
It was late in the afternoon, about four o'clock, and I had been Christmas shopping and was all shopped out. It was cold and snow was coming down and I was downtown waiting for the next bus home, loaded up with bags and packages. I was looking forward to getting home, making a nice hot meal for us and slipping into a toasty bath as a reward for braving the stores that late in the season. Goodness knows, I earned it.
As my bus approached, I had this nagging sensation the highlight of my day was yet to take place. I got on the bus and as I rode closer to home, I knew I was supposed to get off at a different stop, at the Sears outlet store that was about a ten minute walk from our little attic apartment. And not only that, but I was supposed to get off at the back entrance, not the front one. I had no logical reason for thinking like this, but I knew, deep inside, I would miss a blessing if I didn't obey the urge.
So I didn't. And I got off that bus at the back entrance of Sears, packages in hand, with a sense of exhilarated anticipation.
I opened the back door of the store and trudged in, drawing a deep breath, hunger pangs reminding me I should really be at home.
"This had better be worth it," I thought.
Turns out it was.
Just as I entered, I saw two young male clerks dragging large, rectangular boxes to my left and I instinctively followed.
Those boxes contained artificial Christmas trees and there was a display with a sign that read "Last years stock - $10 each."
I nearly wet my pants.
And I chose a gorgeous white one that we used for many years; each year, using a different colour scheme.
And the weirdness did not stop there. A few years back, once our daughter, who has Down Syndrome, realized what Christmas was all about and that it was a good thing, she made the holiday season very memorable for us.
After I put up the tree, each morning, she would get up and ask whether "Ho Ho" had arrived yet. She did that for a whole month until Christmas had come and gone. Then, for months after I took it down, each morning, she came downstairs and said, "Wee (her word for "tree") - Gone!"
It got old.
Just when the weather started getting warm, about the time summer vacation started and school was out, she finally decided to ditch the "Wee - Gone" routine. We were mega relieved.
Did I tell you she was born in July? The end of July, to be exact. In the exact middle of the hottest season of the year, when the birds and bees are out and about and everyone goes to the beach to cool off.
It sure doesn't seem like Christmas time.
At least it didn't seem like Christmas to US. Reasonably, we thought we were free and clear. Big mistake.
About two weeks before her birthday, our daughter surprised me one hot summer's morning. We had been telling her that her birthday was coming and we would have a cake and presents. The usual. Never dreaming, for a second, the connection she was making in her mind.
I was sipping on my juice when she said it.
"Wee, Mommy? Ho Ho come?"
Like I said, Christmas at our house has always been really unusual.

Freedom In Falling...

For those of you who don't know me personally, I am a Christian. I gave my life and heart to Jesus Christ in February of 1985. That's over 25 years ago.
During the first 20-odd years of that walk, I ran the whole show. See, I have always considered myself a liberal who thought as fairly and with as much input from the free world, as was possible. Pride made me believe I could conquer anything, given access to the right information. My mother always used to tell us that knowledge was power and we could easily solve any problem, if we only took the time to understand it properly.
In the Protestant, work-ethic driven society we have developed and maintained in North America, this attitude is expected. One could even go so far as to say it has become our religion.
Then along comes Jesus.
Jesus who reached out to people who were seen as having caused their own problems because of ignorance and stupidity, not to mention laziness, and not only forgave and accepted them, but healed them, and often reinstated their place in community. He, pretty much, behaved without precedent. It's in there. Don't take my word for it. By all means, read it for yourself. The Gospels of the New Testament are full of these accounts.
The most remarkable thing Jesus' approach to human suffering and sinful lifestyles taught me is this:
Deep down inside, we're actually all the same.
It took me over 20 years to learn that. I did so by falling hard on my proverbial backside amidst a major life crisis of heaping grief, shame and tragedy. Translation? I screwed up. Royally. Publicly. To my great chagrin. I came to the end of my own "good" efforts.
And as I was climbing out of that cesspool of human frailty and humiliation, I encountered the person-hood of Jesus, tenderly reaching down a helping hand to pull me up and out. In the aftermath of horrible life circumstances, He made me understand He wasn't looking at my recent past mistakes of colossal proportion, but at the state of my heart when He reached out to me.
See, I was feeling pretty sheepish and that was OK with Him. Wow.
I learned then, without His day to day personal presence in my life, I was always prone to mess things up. It really was and is that simple; even in the presence of genuinely, intensely sincere effort.
As I said, I also realized we are all prone to this downward spiral. Oh yeah, I know, there are millions who say, "I made it on my own - I am essentially a good person." And if we look at outward appearances, it is easy to buy into that illusion. After all, it is counter intuitive to live with a knowledge that our efforts in life are downright toxic. So we create this illusion within. It's called a defense mechanism. Even experts of human psychology will attest to this. The brain simply cannot function without it.
We all believe we are good, kind and right.
Remember that old adage, "You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can 't fool all the people all the time,"? See, most of us just don't have the ability to see into everyone's hearts all the time and we forget that important detail. So we are fooled. We believe the lie that humans are inherently good because there just seems to be no other viable option available. Let's face it, most of us are too busy just trying to survive to notice anyway.
Which is a shame. Because, guess what? Human goodness is the biggest lie in our pathetic, corporeal human existence. Deep down inside us all, there is something that is going to hurt us and others, given the opportunity.
Bet you are tempted to stop reading now. What an incredibly negative perspective, you are saying, and how can I continue living with this perspective? Doesn't it get me down - make me want to quit?
Nope. Not for a minute. Actually, it's quite the reverse. See, I have tried doing it the world's way with me in charge, doing all the "right" things and it didn't work. Only got me deeper in trouble. Because I did it without His input. And without, most importantly, His merciful healing.
When I first gave my life to Jesus, I told him in spoken words He could have my life. But it took a long time for me to learn exactly what that looked like. I was a passionate, young lady, with all the sincerity of young adulthood and, typically, not much gumption to back it up. I hadn't much life experience and did not dream what "dying to self" looked like in practice. And I had a history of abuse; abuse that had taught me to cling, fiercely, to the little bit of control I had managed to maintain over those first few years.
So I did not really surrender to Him. I was still in charge of my life, even though I read His Word daily, prayed daily, went to church and got involved in musical and drama leadership ministries. I was doing what I thought He wanted me to do for Him. Spinning my wheels, trying to keep the inner turmoil at bay, I was like a tightly wound up ball of rotting string, with many inner layers of "stuff" that still needed unwinding and releasing in order to be free.
During the midst of this, I blamed God every time my own misguided efforts brought me more pain. I did not recognize He was putting me in situations and circumstances so that ball of string would come unwound. Because it was that ball of string that was keeping me from getting true healing.
Then, after all those years of concerted effort, I finally fell - hard.
The pain was mystifying and intense. Not to say it was the first time I had known suffering.
But something was different this time. This time I was able to see how it was my own willfulness that had gotten me in trouble. Duh...
I submitted, only to find Him waiting to hold me close, love me and reveal the lies I had learned, through the abuse, that had been holding me back from understanding who I really was.
And I ate humble pie. That experience, which has had long reaching effects, has taught me to see I always have to stay close to Him and do what He says, no matter what my common sense is telling me.
I tell ya, I have been gaining weight, eating so many pieces of that pie. But it is a fatness, full of the joy of a full life, maintained only through daily encounters with His loving presence. Something words can barely describe.
Bottom line?
I am nothing without Jesus. And, happily, neither is anybody - including you.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Give Till It Hurts...

A good 75 per cent of our mail is junk mail. Junk mail, I am sad to say, from charitable organizations, competing for our charitable donation dollars.
Once, a few years ago, my husband gave something to one or two of these organizations he happened to think deserved to get some help and, since then, we have been inundated with mail from one of the many groups in North America which have charitable organization status. The list has grown with each year, too. It seems endless. Not a day goes by without one or another of their pleas for funds filling up our mailbox. I tell ya, if it weren't for someone asking us for money, we would be downright lonely.
OK, so that having been established, I assume we aren't the only ones getting this junk mail and I am most likely, preaching to the choir here. The choir that is getting very tempted to leave church, I might add.
My main concern is not about the number of pieces of mail I get but with the quality of the publications that are in those over-sized manila envelopes. My husband used to be in graphic design and I have worked for a couple of magazines and so we were privy to rough costs for printing fancy dancy kinda stuff like we see in slick, commercial publications. I can tell you, it is NOT cheap. That's why those magazines charge so much for their advertising space. All those pretty, shiny photographs and state of the art graphic displays of text and art work, add up to large sums of hard, cold cash, pretty darned fast, I can tell you.
And now we are just getting out of a world wide recession and, of course, charitable organizations have been hit hard too. Understandably so. Most folks just don't have that extra few dollars over the last few years and so, have cut back on their giving.
Everyone's hurting.
So why now, at this crucial time, aren't charitable organizations cutting back on the publication costs of their letters of solicitation? I believe anyone who is familiar with fundraising knows how few of those kits mailed out actually produce decent sized cheques. Let's say, one in three or four hundred, even though I suspect it may be much less than that. If you do the math on that, you come up with figures that are just staggering and make me wonder who is at the helm, making these decisions. Perhaps, if they stuck to simple public service ads on television or radio or through the internet; not to mention even lowering the cost of the mail outs, I expect most folks would honour the cause more readily. I strongly suspect I am not the only candidate who gets disgusted at the blatant waste of money in those letters that go out to the general public.
But as long as we keep on just throwing that junk mail in the compost bin - and I sincerely hope you are at least doing that with it - these groups just won't get the message.
If they were run like companies, they'd have fired their public relations staff a long time ago. Or have gone bankrupt. But, as far as I know, charitable organization CEOs don't get fired when they don't meet their quotas for donations in any given year.
Maybe that's part of the problem.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where's the Beef?

I am NOT a man basher; never was. Not for a minute. I have simply known way too many men I deeply respect over the years.
Having said that, I do ponder a few things I have observed in the stronger sex, from time to time; things that, frankly, befuddle me, and for which there is no anatomical explanation.
I studied psychology while doing my B.A. back in university days and learned about some very interesting things that make the two sexes unique. Fundamental differences in brain wiring seem to be responsible for a good deal of them and that is just plain fascinating. Remember - I said I was a geek.
My studies didn't cover it all, I was soon to learn. There's one thing in particular that all men I have known have done regularly and it just gets me. I don't understand it and I never will. It has to do with the location of "stuff".
Here is how it usually goes down:
We are eating supper, nearing the end of the meal. After dessert, the men express a desire for something more to fill those empty places. So they usually go to the fridge and open the door. As they should. I often do it as well. That is, after all, where all the good things usually are.
What happens next I have seen played out so many times I have lost track.
First, there is this blank stare and the male in question just stands there. Then out it comes; the predicable comment.
"Where is the (fill in the space with whatever they are looking for)?"
I usually say something like, "It's in there somewhere."
Now, see, this is where things get strange. This is when the males in my family lose that typical sense of logic and what they say next beats all evidence of common sense.
"I can't see it."
Now, when this happened a long time ago, of course, I got up and actually looked for the item in question and put it into the person's hands. Problem solved and everyone was happy. Everyone except me, that was, until I got smart.
Now I just wait for a minute cause I know what's coming. There is this shuffling of feet and clearing of the throat. I'm supposed to feel guilty, you see, because they STILL can't find what they are seeking. That's when  they usually up the ante.
"I can't find it - you must have hidden it someplace."
Du uh. Yeah, I like getting up and walking across our rather large kitchen to lean over the open door of our fridge to look for something that I don't even plan on eating.
I count to 10. After I cool down a bit, and not until I do, I say, "Look, when you get your X-ray vision adjusted I'm sure you'll be able to see through all the contents of the refrigerator. For the time being, you'll just have to move things with your hands, like I would have to do."
That usually stops them in their tracks. Then, grumbling, they condescend to actually do the work it requires to move stuff around in the fridge and find the thing they are seeking.
And this happens several times a week.
It has gotten so bad, I've taken to buying special treats for myself and putting them in paper bags at the back of the fridge. Because I know implicitly, as long as the men in my family cannot see it without moving anything, or looking inside something, my coveted treat is safe forever. You have no idea how many pounds I have put on. And I blame them  - I really do.
What's more, our daughter, who as Down Syndrome AND IS A GIRL, can find anything she wants whenever she wants it. She's never needed my help. I have often woken up first thing in the morning to her having taken things out of the fridge and cupboards - specific things which were hidden behind other things - and set them up on our kitchen table 'cause she thought she'd make breakfast. Go figure.
So, I have decided it is a biological, yet to be explained by medical science, characteristic of males everywhere. Either that or females have been enabling their men where fridges are concerned ever since they came on the market. Fridges, that is, not men. I think if men were on the market, we'd be keeping them in little paper bags behind the leftover lasagna and in front of the pickle jar.

Tired of Keeping Quiet or "But, Mother - The Emperor Has NO Clothing On!!"

Recently, a journalist on CBC wrote and posted online a story about Sesame Street, the long standing, respected and loved children's educational program, featuring Jim Henson's Muppets, having been given permission to air in Afghanistan. But there is a catch; the show  will not be permitted to have singing or dancing or even the barking of dogs. The story invited comments. Having gotten tired of Islamic countries enforcing martial law on its citizens, even more increasingly in the last two or three years, despite intervention and aid from outsiders, I posted a comment I knew full well would upset some Muslim here in North America. I have removed the other person's name because I do not have legal permission from her to print her name. Incidentally, I did some detective work and discovered the other person also whose account on FB I looked at, has as her FB network, York University. Which means she is either an alumni, student or staff member there. She also subscribes to a Muslim teaching FB page, based in southern California. So I have to assume she is educated and lives here in Canada and, most likely, is of middle east origin (based on her name which I referred to earlier) and actively practices Islam.

Here is what happened:

Ellen Christine Smith · Holland College
How sad that children are not allowed to sing! It seems to me, any faith that supports deliberate suppression of honest joy is missing out on something fundamentally necessary to human existence! No WONDER they are all so anxious to get to "Paradise"!
Person with Arabic name:
Thats a fairly ignorant comment you just made. You have to understand the culture is different. Afghans celebrate expression and "honest joy" in other ways. Afghans do sing and dance, its just not something that is encouraged on television.