Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tired of Keeping Quiet or "But, Mother - The Emperor Has NO Clothing On!!"

Recently, a journalist on CBC wrote and posted online a story about Sesame Street, the long standing, respected and loved children's educational program, featuring Jim Henson's Muppets, having been given permission to air in Afghanistan. But there is a catch; the show  will not be permitted to have singing or dancing or even the barking of dogs. The story invited comments. Having gotten tired of Islamic countries enforcing martial law on its citizens, even more increasingly in the last two or three years, despite intervention and aid from outsiders, I posted a comment I knew full well would upset some Muslim here in North America. I have removed the other person's name because I do not have legal permission from her to print her name. Incidentally, I did some detective work and discovered the other person also whose account on FB I looked at, has as her FB network, York University. Which means she is either an alumni, student or staff member there. She also subscribes to a Muslim teaching FB page, based in southern California. So I have to assume she is educated and lives here in Canada and, most likely, is of middle east origin (based on her name which I referred to earlier) and actively practices Islam.

Here is what happened:

Ellen Christine Smith · Holland College
How sad that children are not allowed to sing! It seems to me, any faith that supports deliberate suppression of honest joy is missing out on something fundamentally necessary to human existence! No WONDER they are all so anxious to get to "Paradise"!
Person with Arabic name:
Thats a fairly ignorant comment you just made. You have to understand the culture is different. Afghans celebrate expression and "honest joy" in other ways. Afghans do sing and dance, its just not something that is encouraged on television.

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