Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where's the Beef?

I am NOT a man basher; never was. Not for a minute. I have simply known way too many men I deeply respect over the years.
Having said that, I do ponder a few things I have observed in the stronger sex, from time to time; things that, frankly, befuddle me, and for which there is no anatomical explanation.
I studied psychology while doing my B.A. back in university days and learned about some very interesting things that make the two sexes unique. Fundamental differences in brain wiring seem to be responsible for a good deal of them and that is just plain fascinating. Remember - I said I was a geek.
My studies didn't cover it all, I was soon to learn. There's one thing in particular that all men I have known have done regularly and it just gets me. I don't understand it and I never will. It has to do with the location of "stuff".
Here is how it usually goes down:
We are eating supper, nearing the end of the meal. After dessert, the men express a desire for something more to fill those empty places. So they usually go to the fridge and open the door. As they should. I often do it as well. That is, after all, where all the good things usually are.
What happens next I have seen played out so many times I have lost track.
First, there is this blank stare and the male in question just stands there. Then out it comes; the predicable comment.
"Where is the (fill in the space with whatever they are looking for)?"
I usually say something like, "It's in there somewhere."
Now, see, this is where things get strange. This is when the males in my family lose that typical sense of logic and what they say next beats all evidence of common sense.
"I can't see it."
Now, when this happened a long time ago, of course, I got up and actually looked for the item in question and put it into the person's hands. Problem solved and everyone was happy. Everyone except me, that was, until I got smart.
Now I just wait for a minute cause I know what's coming. There is this shuffling of feet and clearing of the throat. I'm supposed to feel guilty, you see, because they STILL can't find what they are seeking. That's when  they usually up the ante.
"I can't find it - you must have hidden it someplace."
Du uh. Yeah, I like getting up and walking across our rather large kitchen to lean over the open door of our fridge to look for something that I don't even plan on eating.
I count to 10. After I cool down a bit, and not until I do, I say, "Look, when you get your X-ray vision adjusted I'm sure you'll be able to see through all the contents of the refrigerator. For the time being, you'll just have to move things with your hands, like I would have to do."
That usually stops them in their tracks. Then, grumbling, they condescend to actually do the work it requires to move stuff around in the fridge and find the thing they are seeking.
And this happens several times a week.
It has gotten so bad, I've taken to buying special treats for myself and putting them in paper bags at the back of the fridge. Because I know implicitly, as long as the men in my family cannot see it without moving anything, or looking inside something, my coveted treat is safe forever. You have no idea how many pounds I have put on. And I blame them  - I really do.
What's more, our daughter, who as Down Syndrome AND IS A GIRL, can find anything she wants whenever she wants it. She's never needed my help. I have often woken up first thing in the morning to her having taken things out of the fridge and cupboards - specific things which were hidden behind other things - and set them up on our kitchen table 'cause she thought she'd make breakfast. Go figure.
So, I have decided it is a biological, yet to be explained by medical science, characteristic of males everywhere. Either that or females have been enabling their men where fridges are concerned ever since they came on the market. Fridges, that is, not men. I think if men were on the market, we'd be keeping them in little paper bags behind the leftover lasagna and in front of the pickle jar.

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